Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mid-tier budget film distribution model (Snow-piercer)

The film Snow-piercer, a South Korean based undertaking initially premiered in Seoul on July 29, 2013, it was meet with a very positive reception. After, the film was screened at various predominate film festivals across the world, such as the Berlin International Film Festival with more than 500,000 admissions per year, the Edinburg International Film Festival, and most importantly the Los Angeles Film festival, where American audiences first got a glimpse of the film; one could only conjecture that this was done to promote the film via word of mouth and while traveling around the world is expensive it is significantly cheaper when compared to conventional means of advertising. Following this, the film was eventually released on various home media platforms across the world like: Netflix, DVD/BluRay, and video on demand. On June 27, 2014, nearly a year after its original debut, its ambitious approach finally got it in to just eight theaters in select cities, some being, Miami, NewYork, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. and after sometime, following positive reviews, it expanded to accommodate 150 theaters around the United States.
              This distribution model was obviously very successful, Snow-piercer boasted a 217% return on "only" a 40 million dollar budget. The marketers behind the film were extremely intelligent but most of all patient. The method of releasing in its own country and then waiting to garner some form of following though all these film festivals to then again rerelease across the world is completely unorthodox but the results are impressive.

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