Thursday, March 3, 2016

Creative Critical Refection (Question #2) *DRAFT*

I intend for my product to interact with audience members using what as of recently has been come the standard marketing medium: the internet. Obviously, I would still employ some television commercials to announce the movie and the corresponding product hashtag what would coincide with some line or ploy in the film that will be transferable to social media websites. For the main part most of the advertising will be conducted though the web since most of my desired demographic uses it, having commercials on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, etc, will announce the product instantly to the user at the fraction of the price.  Something even more creative is the utilization of Snapchat filters to advertise, many products have done it and seems to be, thus far, a success in terms of marketing and interaction with a specific group, that being the 13 - 24 age range; being similar to the hashtag it will integrate something from the film that user will be able to directly adorn via the app.
           Distribution will use the vehicle as marketing, here I will use multiple instant video websites such as Netflix or just opt for a single service provider depending advantages and disadvantages. This will do two things: create a streamline transition for the user and to appeal further to our selected target audience. The reasons why I chose this route have been declared in my previous posts but just to reiterate, 65% of on going Internet users between the age of 16 and 24 have used Netflix within the past month of when this survey was conducted.

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