In recent years there has been a huge transition in the medium by which people view their movies; the Vulture noted a rather odd correlation, while box office revenue continues to increase, attendance further declines. In 2013, 10.9 billion dollars worth of tickets were sold, a record amount that could be attributed an increase in prince and not actual attendance; and as of now rates continue and are expected to plummet. Just 2013 to 15 alone turnouts dropped six percent or an equal amount of eighty million people; this sudden drop has thus far has turned the movie industry on its head.
These decline in numbers seem to correspond with Netflix's rise in popularity, as of December 7th Netflix is priced at 56 billion dollars, and while the number may not necessarily speak for the amount of people that switched over or utilize both options, it does speak of the success it has in the recent years and how profitable that maket is. As of now Netflix along with other online streaming services now are host to exclusive Shows and various other features that help attract and maintain an audience.
Since efficacy is huge priority in this mock film, then I personally think that publishing this film via an online provider would be an obvious and clear choice. The amount of money that would have to be spent on marketing would be significantly be reduced, not completely negated, but a fair amount would be saved; on average about 60% - 70% of a film's budget goes to marketing (that percentage may obviously vary greatly between films and production companies), but considering that we may be an independent "company" creating this film, this would be a feasible option as there is already strong pillars that support these portals.
Online distribution is getting more and more popular each passing year, and I do not see why we should not pick off the low hanging fruit, our changes of making money is increased at no extra costs. If this trend continues, eventually, a high production film will be released via online as an exclusive, and once that occurs it will set a benchmark and many may follow suit. I'm not predicting the death of the movie theater, I'm just stating that it is not what it once was.
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