Monday, December 28, 2015

location list/Shot list

Location List             

  • Bay of Sarasota for our film intro, we live in a beautiful location, might as well take advantage of it.
  • Isolated street with minimal traffic intrusion, we want to focus on the arrival of the main character, nothing more.

Example of a secluded street

Bay of Sarasota

Shot List 

  • Establishing shot that manages to incorporate the majority of the thriving city.
  • Close up of the character's face so that the effect of intimacy is invoked and so that he is familiarized.
  •  Mid shot so that tension of being up close and personal is no longer present and that character is seen as comfortable.
  • Full shot for the audience to see the proportions of the Aaron persona.

Sunday, December 27, 2015


In the first scene I plan on adding a very upbeat jocular song, something that will let the audience know that this movie is about having fun and enjoying once's self just like Aaron and his reality; as of now the song staring over this shot is: "The Only Thing I Would Wish For" by Angela Bofill. As the scene begins to conclude, it will all gradually fade out to dead silent black, and colors will reconfigure them selves as scene 2 commences. This scene is important because this is where you'll meet the all important Aaron and you'll get a taste of his very congenial personality.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Marketing (2 of 3)

The demographic we are trying to appeal to with this film is the 16 - 24 age group, going along with information provided by Statista shows that online streaming services, specifically, Netflix, provide the best means to which we can interact with this group. Since the survey was conducted it shows that 65% of on going Internet users between the age of 16 and 24 have used Netflix, while some deficiencies in the survey may be present, for example: how this percentage was calculated, out of how many users, and how many hours did they on average use the service; but regardless, the poll does one very important thing, it illustrates the sheer volume of people that do actively use it. With this in mind, I believe that releasing our though an online avenue would not just be a very viable option but a very profitable one too.

A Netflix & Hulu subscription each costing just a mere $7.99 a month, it makes sense why so many people buy and use the service religiously.In this day in age many are in possession of a device that allow for video steaming, such as: video game consoles, computers, phones, TV's with Internet access so these view numbers should not dwindle any time soon. Doing an unprecedented feat like this requires massive support for it to be successful, but I have no doubt that if something like this were to actually happen, Nexflix would advertise for it appropriately. In theory it seems foolproof but I can see why anxieties would emerge, releasing a "triple A" like this would definitely be well documented by other studios to see whether or not it was successful. In all,  just for the sake of experimenting and trying to innovate with the extent resources, if this proves to be feasible then it will absolutely go down in movie history.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Distribution (1 of 3)

While many distribution options are available, such as, theater and straight to video (STV), disseminating our film via online platforms like: Netflix, Hulu and HBO would be a more beneficial path.
In recent years there has been a huge transition in the medium by which people view their movies; the Vulture noted a rather odd correlation, while box office revenue continues to increase, attendance further declines. In 2013, 10.9 billion dollars worth of tickets were sold, a record amount that could be attributed an increase in prince and not actual attendance; and as of now rates continue and are expected to plummet. Just 2013 to 15 alone turnouts dropped six percent or an equal amount of eighty million people; this sudden drop has thus far has turned the movie industry on its head.
These decline in numbers seem to correspond with Netflix's rise in popularity, as of December 7th Netflix is priced at 56 billion dollars, and while the number may not necessarily speak for the amount of people that switched over or utilize both options, it does speak of the success it has in the recent years and how profitable that maket is. As of now Netflix along with other online streaming services now are host to exclusive Shows and various other features that help attract and maintain an audience.
Since efficacy is huge priority in this mock film, then I personally think that publishing this film via an online provider would be an obvious and clear choice. The amount of money that would have to be spent on marketing would be significantly be reduced, not completely negated, but a fair amount would be saved; on average about 60% - 70% of a film's budget goes to marketing (that percentage may obviously vary greatly between films and production companies), but considering that we may be an independent "company" creating this film, this would be a feasible option as there is already strong pillars that support these portals.
Online distribution is getting more and more popular each passing year, and I do not see why we should not pick off the low hanging fruit, our changes of making money is increased at no extra costs. If this trend continues, eventually, a high production film will be released via online as an exclusive, and once that occurs it will set a benchmark and many may follow suit. I'm not predicting the death of the movie theater, I'm just stating that it is not what it once was.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Click on image expand

This script is only a draft, so I am expecting some alterations to come about; these changes will be in response to the length of the film intro (too long or short): possibly making it more concise, or maybe expanding upon the scenario and the personas in it. I am torn as to whether or not to add a notable female character in this introduction, I want to mainly focus on Aaron and HIS world, so that is why I didn't give her any screen time. 

As you can see we are far from finalizing the selection of actors. The cast selection and the respective blog post should come out in the following days. I want Aaron to be suave and appealing character that everyone can relate too, a people's champ so to say. This character is one of the main components so proper consideration is required. I think the act of breaking the 4th wall will help empathize this to the audience watching, it will be difficult, but if done meticulously it will be very fruitful.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Taking In a Vision

During the allotted time today, Justin and I took 10 minutes took look at examples of movies that broke the 4th wall. We watched a "WatchMojo" video on Youtube; I remember previously watching this video and thinking it would be relevant to our project

                        *LINK TO THE VIDEO*

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Distributing Work Loads

Things to Accomplish
  • Script [I will formulate majority of script, but I will still consider or take in feed back from other group members. I consider my members to be profound writers so group examination should only give back positive feedback.]
  • Shot List [To help manifest all the ideas of the final product, close collaboration would be key, however to cut down unnecessary time usage; I will compile a list of shots and than work with the group to add or completely delete shot ideas.]
  • Location List [Justin Bodfield will then work with everybody in the group to select locations but importantly with Tripp as he already has an image of where the scene is placed and how they will carry out. The shot list could be altered if any obstacles come through, I plan on it evolving as the film proceeds.]
  • Costumes [Costumes so far don't seem to be a big issue, yet. The only thing I can predict being a problem is wardrobe continuity, but so far we okay on clothing.]
  • Story-Board [I plan on everybody being involved during the development of the story-board, this is to ensure that all ideas and perceptions of the film get meet or at least get acknowledged, the better the story board the better film will end up being.]
  • Marketing/Distribution [Select a platform to distribute the movie from, this will not be a task until nearing the conclusion of the project; the solution will arise naturally.]
  • Do Research [Jacob Pilz will do this, and then discuss findings with group]

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Final Decision

I will stand behind the film project, I arrived to this decision because multiple factors, i felt that my experience would help fuel this project, my group consists of task orientated people that work to get the best result possible, and other positives mentioned in my previous post. As of now we think the film will be a comedy that breaks the 4th wall, we are still flirting with other ideas as we are still early in the development process, things still have time to evolve. I intend on working with: Justin Bofield, Jacob Pilz, and Robert Morris, as producer, collaborator, and screenplay composer, respectively; I plan on taking the role of director. I think it will introduce new elements that would help draw in an audience; that audience consisting of people from 17-30 years of age. I will market to these people by pulling references from the film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" pulling in people from an older crowed due to a nostalgia and yet garner a younger audience thanks to fresh up-to-date social queues.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Pros and Cons When Considering the Film Project

The option that I subconsciously chose to be best for me: the film introduction. I selected this because of the experience I have in filming and production; in my middle school career I made sure to take TV production every single year. Here I learned shooting and editing techniques that are essential and that make up the core of this project, along with that I learned how to utilize Final Cut Express a program used for editing. I have it installed on my computer, allowing for ease access, and although I have not used it in roughly 3 years now, I still retain how the interface works, and if not it is something I could learn. Sarasota also provides various settings that I could use, such as: the beach, city, outskirts, and multiple residential areas, such diversity would let my group and I employ multiple ideas or alternatives if one happens to fail. I think the film project will be more interactive than the magazine project, by that I mean that we would I have to agree on the ideas, and if not we would collaborate to incorporate all of our visions ending in a better result.

With a project like this there is a lot of room of error that could originate from working from a group. Lack of reliability and dependability could be a huge issue that could destroy this project and the artistry behind it; we must avoid this at all costs. Weather or things out side our control can disrupt the creative process of this film, but with enough precaution we could avoid this altogether; we would look at the forecast and determine if things are optimal enough for filming. Overall the positives out weigh the possible negatives.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Pros and Cons When Considering the Magazine Project

I personally believe that doing the magazine option of the Aice Media Studies exam would end up being a very prosperous avenue for multiple reasons. Firstly I believe that 
my laid-back, colorful, yet assertive attitude would attribute to me being a very comfort inducing host, allowing me to squeeze information or certain comments from the interviewee. Furthermore, I think I possess adequate enough background information on all genres to conduct a prevalent or knowledgeable interview, where I would be able ask questions coming from all perspectives and mindsets. My ability to meet deadlines should also be taken into account when it comes to this task; one of the most important aspects of this project is the having the ability to perform when circumscribed to a window of time, and I believe I could life up that requirement. I also think that my eye for design could create an inviting magazine, that than manages to hold a reader, and than over time garner an audience.
However my power to perform does come up to question with the notion of experience and, how little I have; I never have taken a journalism class or anything what would benefit me when it comes to creating this magazine. My resources could also be limited when it comes to reserving an actual interviewee and sophisticated camera equipment to utilize. Personally I think my writing is also a little lacking, it is not very captivating, but writing abitity is something that could improve with time; along with all these issues. With that being said I think that these short-term issues are minor but significant enough that it could deter from the overall picture of getting a more than satisfactory magazine printed.